
minnesota spine and sport Tag

Vitamin D: The Truth

Vitamin D is an essential fat soluble vitamin that is essential for bone and immune health. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated commonly with rickets, but recent research suggests that deficiency is prevalent in other disease states. These include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, falls among the elderly, overall mortality, cancer, multiple sclerosis, cognition, and chronic pain. Most citizens of Westernized countries are deficient in Vitamin D, making it a pandemic!...

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Is it Back Pain or a Herniated Disc?

If you are one of 31 million Americans experiencing back pain, neck pain, or low back pain, a "slipped" disc1 or herniated disc may be the cause. But what exactly is a herniated disc, and how does it become injured? The spine consists of 24 blocky bones (vertebra) stacked on top of each other in a flexible column that allows our body to move. Between each vertebra sits a soft, rubbery cushion made of cartilaginous fibers and hydrated proteins known as an intervertebral disc2. Intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers2 for our spine, much like brake pads in a vehicle. Discs absorb the...

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Uncovering the Facts of Different Types of Muscle Strains

A muscle strain is an uncomfortable injury or trauma to the belly of a muscle. Minor strains often result in a stretch to the muscle, like pulling a rubber band. More severe strains can overstretch the muscle to the point where the muscle can have a partial or even complete tear. Strains often occur in the low back or hamstring muscles1, but any muscle in the body is vulnerable to a strain injury! ...

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How to Eat Your Inflammation Away!

Inflammation is the body’s best defense for healing, however when it becomes long-standing and chronic, disease and pain occur. It has been speculated to be the underlying cause of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, strokes, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, disease, and even cancers. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet will slow or reverse progression of many diseases and painful conditions. It will even slow the aging process and protect against disease. ...

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jaw pain woodbury mn

Jaw Pain? How can a Chiropractor help with that?

MN Spine and Sport offers many treatment options for those who are suffering from Jaw Pain. Before making an appointment, try eating soft foods, applying ice to the area, try to avoid eating hard or tough foods that may aggravate the pain. Also, be mindful when yawning. When altering your diet and avoiding chewing harder items is no longer effective, treatment of the TMJ may be needed. ...

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dot medical exams near me

Protecting Our Patients – COVID-19 Update

From the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, MN Spine and Sport has committed to going above and beyond to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff. Providing exceptional care remains our top priority, and right now that also means keeping our patients safe from COVID-19, which will continue to be part of our lives until we reach a widespread state of immunity. As we learn to live with the coronavirus in the community, MN Spine and Sport remains responsive to the needs of our patients and staff.   Here are a few precautions and processes MN Spine and Sport has in...

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exercise rehab woodbury mn

Evaluate, Fix, Prevent

Far too often in today’s healthcare system, patients are being let down by their healthcare providers. As the patient, you deserve to be guided back from injury appropriately and efficiently. Too many injured and ailing people are not  thoroughly evaluated, therefore not receiving appropriate  care, nor are they given a game plan to prevent the pain or injury from returning in the future. There are 3 fundamental aspects of care that YOU deserve and expect as a patient. Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment Conservative Treatment Options Prevention Training   Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment   Too often a patient presents to their primary care physician...

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spine and sports chiropractic woodbury mn

How do I choose the best chiropractor in Woodbury for me and my family?

Choosing a chiropractor in Woodbury can be challenging.  There are many techniques and types of treatments, so which should you choose? Is the chiropractor evidence-based?  Do they keep up with the current research and have they changed their treatment to be consistent with the research?  Sadly, there are health care professionals that do not, and if they graduated in 1986, they are still stuck in in the 80’s.  That does not bode well for care.  Since graduating in 2004, core stabilization has changed three times over!  If a chiropractic physician is still performing the same treatments as they did in the...

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