
st paul chiropractor Tag

Carpal Tunnel: Hands-On!

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can come on suddenly or gradually1,4, depending on the cause. Acute injuries can damage or tear ligaments and tendons, fracture bones, create inflammation, cause swelling, and compress or pinch the nerve directly.  Repetitive injuries, such as working an assembly line, grasping a steering wheel to drive, or typing on a keyboard, can cause injury to the wrist tendons.  This causes swelling and other mechanical problems in the wrist, including carpal tunnel syndrome....

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Do You Have Lower Back Pain or Sciatica?

The visual that comes to mind when thinking of low back pain is a person half-bent over with a hand on their back.  Many Minnesotans have experienced low back pain, and you may recall feeling severely limited or even helpless during the acute phase of your last episode.  From experience, it can be absolutely miserable! Feelings of pain and helplessness are very common and are some of the reasons why low back pain is one of the most common causes for patients to seek emergency care!1 In fact, over 80% of people have experienced at least one episode of low...

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exercise rehab woodbury mn

Evaluate, Fix, Prevent

Far too often in today’s healthcare system, patients are being let down by their healthcare providers. As the patient, you deserve to be guided back from injury appropriately and efficiently. Too many injured and ailing people are not  thoroughly evaluated, therefore not receiving appropriate  care, nor are they given a game plan to prevent the pain or injury from returning in the future. There are 3 fundamental aspects of care that YOU deserve and expect as a patient. Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment Conservative Treatment Options Prevention Training   Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment   Too often a patient presents to their primary care physician...

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