
chiropractor Tag

Vitamin D: The Truth

Vitamin D is an essential fat soluble vitamin that is essential for bone and immune health. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated commonly with rickets, but recent research suggests that deficiency is prevalent in other disease states. These include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, falls among the elderly, overall mortality, cancer, multiple sclerosis, cognition, and chronic pain. Most citizens of Westernized countries are deficient in Vitamin D, making it a pandemic!...

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CBD: Fact VS. Fiction

CBD or cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid that has recently gained popularity.  Now, everywhere you turn, CBD is in everything.  In Woodbury, you can find CBD everywhere.  With all the hype come claims of curing this and that disease.  So…does the research back up the claims? What is CBD? CBD is one of over 100 known cannabinoids with most of the current research focusing on THC and CBD.  CBD does not have any psychoactive properties. Simply put there is no potential to get “high”.  In fact, the endocannabinoid system was recently discovered as a signaling system, which is laced throughout the entire nervous...

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jaw pain woodbury mn

Jaw Pain? How can a Chiropractor help with that?

MN Spine and Sport offers many treatment options for those who are suffering from Jaw Pain. Before making an appointment, try eating soft foods, applying ice to the area, try to avoid eating hard or tough foods that may aggravate the pain. Also, be mindful when yawning. When altering your diet and avoiding chewing harder items is no longer effective, treatment of the TMJ may be needed. ...

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exercise rehab woodbury mn

Evaluate, Fix, Prevent

Far too often in today’s healthcare system, patients are being let down by their healthcare providers. As the patient, you deserve to be guided back from injury appropriately and efficiently. Too many injured and ailing people are not  thoroughly evaluated, therefore not receiving appropriate  care, nor are they given a game plan to prevent the pain or injury from returning in the future. There are 3 fundamental aspects of care that YOU deserve and expect as a patient. Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment Conservative Treatment Options Prevention Training   Comprehensive Evaluation and Assessment   Too often a patient presents to their primary care physician...

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