
back specialist Tag

Carpal Tunnel: Hands-On!

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can come on suddenly or gradually1,4, depending on the cause. Acute injuries can damage or tear ligaments and tendons, fracture bones, create inflammation, cause swelling, and compress or pinch the nerve directly.  Repetitive injuries, such as working an assembly line, grasping a steering wheel to drive, or typing on a keyboard, can cause injury to the wrist tendons.  This causes swelling and other mechanical problems in the wrist, including carpal tunnel syndrome....

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Vitamin D: The Truth

Vitamin D is an essential fat soluble vitamin that is essential for bone and immune health. Vitamin D deficiency has been associated commonly with rickets, but recent research suggests that deficiency is prevalent in other disease states. These include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, falls among the elderly, overall mortality, cancer, multiple sclerosis, cognition, and chronic pain. Most citizens of Westernized countries are deficient in Vitamin D, making it a pandemic!...

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Is it Back Pain or a Herniated Disc?

If you are one of 31 million Americans experiencing back pain, neck pain, or low back pain, a "slipped" disc1 or herniated disc may be the cause. But what exactly is a herniated disc, and how does it become injured? The spine consists of 24 blocky bones (vertebra) stacked on top of each other in a flexible column that allows our body to move. Between each vertebra sits a soft, rubbery cushion made of cartilaginous fibers and hydrated proteins known as an intervertebral disc2. Intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers2 for our spine, much like brake pads in a vehicle. Discs absorb the...

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jaw pain woodbury mn

Jaw Pain? How can a Chiropractor help with that?

MN Spine and Sport offers many treatment options for those who are suffering from Jaw Pain. Before making an appointment, try eating soft foods, applying ice to the area, try to avoid eating hard or tough foods that may aggravate the pain. Also, be mindful when yawning. When altering your diet and avoiding chewing harder items is no longer effective, treatment of the TMJ may be needed. ...

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chronic back pain woodbury

What is the Best Mattress for Low Back Pain in Woodbury, MN?

Buying a mattress can be quite a daunting task. With an endless amount of options, materials, and features available it can be difficult to determine which mattress is right for you.  The average adult sleeps for eight hours a night; this means that you spend up to a third of your life lying on your mattress, making this purchase all the more important!   Do I Need a New Mattress?   The average lifespan of a mattress is 5-10 years. Many manufacturers will have warranties that extend beyond the 10-year range, but for most the 8-year mark is when it is time to look...

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