
back pain specialist Tag

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Are you experiencing pain as well as numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hand and fingers? Do your fingers or hands feel like they’re “falling asleep” while you type at a keyboard, grip a steering wheel, work out at the gym, or pick up groceries or even your child?   There are several conditions of the head, neck, shoulder, elbow, and wrist that cause sensations of tingling, numbness, pain, and weakness with grip strength. More common conditions include carpal tunnel syndrome1, tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)2, compression of the nerves exiting the neck spine (cervical radiculopathy)3, and pinched nerve (impingement syndromes) of the shoulder. Less common injuries involve brachial...

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Carpal Tunnel: Hands-On!

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can come on suddenly or gradually1,4, depending on the cause. Acute injuries can damage or tear ligaments and tendons, fracture bones, create inflammation, cause swelling, and compress or pinch the nerve directly.  Repetitive injuries, such as working an assembly line, grasping a steering wheel to drive, or typing on a keyboard, can cause injury to the wrist tendons.  This causes swelling and other mechanical problems in the wrist, including carpal tunnel syndrome....

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Is it Back Pain or a Herniated Disc?

If you are one of 31 million Americans experiencing back pain, neck pain, or low back pain, a "slipped" disc1 or herniated disc may be the cause. But what exactly is a herniated disc, and how does it become injured? The spine consists of 24 blocky bones (vertebra) stacked on top of each other in a flexible column that allows our body to move. Between each vertebra sits a soft, rubbery cushion made of cartilaginous fibers and hydrated proteins known as an intervertebral disc2. Intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers2 for our spine, much like brake pads in a vehicle. Discs absorb the...

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Are You Having Pain While Working? Time to Look Beyond Ergonomics!

In the past several months, our work environment has completely changed! Many of are putting in long hours working from a home office that may or may not be ergonomically correct.  We all know that prolonged sitting can be detrimental to your health, but what can you do to stay healthy if you have a desk job in the middle of a pandemic?   Part 1: Education Training and Understanding Pain/Injuries   The first step of preventing pain and injury, especially repetitive use, is first understanding how pain, injury and poor health occurs in the body. If we understand the downstream effects of sustained...

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