
Pre-Participation Sports Physical

Pre-participation Sports Physical (MN PPE Exam) in Woodbury, MN

The purpose is to screen for physical and medical conditions that might put the student at risk for participation. This examination does not replace your annual checkup or wellness exam with your primary care provider for immunizations and important age-appropriate health guidance. If the student athlete is currently under medical care that requires further follow-up prior to clearance for athletic participation, the student athlete will be referred to the appropriate medical provider.

The Minnesota PPE form is valid for three years. An annual health questionnaire is required every year. Any major health changes on the annual questionnaire may require a PPE to be conducted sooner. It is our opinion that a properly performed sports physical should be done on an annual basis. The reason for this is rapid changes in the physiology and biomechanical aspects of the adolescent body. The evaluation can screen for those minor and subtle changes and make appropriate treatment and/or training recommendations.

The PPE evaluation in our office is very thorough. Using an evidence-based approach, we conduct all the required recommendations of the medical portion of the evaluation. In addition, we spend the time to evaluate the overall flexibility, strength and mobility of the athlete. We use this information to give recommendations on injury prevention, strength program needs and, in some cases, direct to the proper diagnosis of an injury. When an accurate injury diagnosis is made, we can recommend a treatment plan that will expedite the recovery process.

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Watch this video by Dr. Schreiber to learn more about Physical Exams at MN Spine and Sport